Juma Тема за Magento 2 - наследява Luma

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Темата наследява всички характеристики на Luma с малки промени и подобрения.  Функционална и бърза като оригиналната Luma Тема.  В подробното описание ще видите всички разлики / промени от Luma.

- menubar color – green – 2db883 - menubar text color – black - unchanged 4. Picture as a background – sticking out on left and right side of site, non repeating vertically. Only showing on the pc and laptop version of the site 5. Home page - add a horizontal bar showing the logos of brands and linking each to a page describing brand and listing products of this brand on the bottom of home page. Similar to: 6. Change the names used to create the home block, i.e. home-t-shirts, home-pants 7. Language switcher at top of page to be with flags rather than actual languages 8. Remove/add the white background of text in promo blocks - home page ( sample data ) 9. Panel header – add phone number on the left, and remove the welcoming msg 10 Add welcome msg between the logo and the search in the header content 11. Add an extra button “Buy on financing” - besides the Buy button on the Product page. Functionality should be the same as the Buy button. 12. Add Visa MC logos on bottom right beside copyright info Mobile version: 1. Categories / Profile / Settings - icons instead of text 2. home page in mobile version sometimes width is not working well because of the home page block images" data-userid="793452213655576576" data-orgid="793452214525132800">"Juma" theme inherits from Luma with the following modifications:

1. Special price in red font size + 2
- on product page and category listing page
2. Category pages title font size - 2
3. Menu bar font size + 1 - button like - items separated like buttons
4. Picture as a background – sticking out on left and right side of site, non repeating vertically. Only showing on the pc and laptop version of the site
5. Home page - add a horizontal bar showing the logos of brands and linking each to a page describing brand and listing products of this brand on the bottom of home page.
6. Change the names used to create the home block, i.e. home-t-shirts, home-pants
7. Language switcher at top of page to be with flags rather than actual languages
8. Remove/add the white background of text in promo blocks - home page ( sample data )
9. Panel header – add phone number on the left
10. Add an extra button “Buy on financing” - besides the Buy button on the Product page. Functionality should be the same as the Buy button.
11. Add Visa MC logos on bottom right beside copyright info

Mobile version:

1. Categories / Profile / Settings - icons instead of text
2. Fix in home page in mobile version sometimes width is not working well because of the home page block images

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