Модул за комуникация с Фискално Устройство за Magento 2

390,00 лв.
Кратко Описание

Модулът позволява следното:


  • Комуникация с фискално устройство
  • Автоматично принтиране на касов бон
  • Автоматично принтиране на сторно бележка
  • Настройка на часа на фискално устройство
  • Принтиране на дневни отчети 

Note: Installing this module and the Fiscal Device requires technical skills.  If you need support please contact us.  This software is configured to apply to Bulgarian fiscal receipt requirements.  Modifications will most probably be needed if software is to be used elsewhere.  We might be able to do certain modification for your needs, so please contact us if such are needed.

Must Do

  1. Install module by placing it in app folder of Magento
  2. Change magento admin username in format username-1234
  3. Connect the fiscal device to a computer 
  4. Download and install the following on the same computer: https://github.com/erpnet/ErpNet.FP#download
  5. Setup the module in Admin Configurations

Module Description

1. Admin Interface in Stores -> Configuration

1.1 Here you will see Fiscal Devices and select one or Enter one. 

1.2 Set which Magento payment method requires Fiscal receipt.

1.3 Print daily reports and set Fiscal Device time ( Done in one action ) 

2. Changing ORDER status and printing Fiscal receipt

2.1 Open order, press invoice, submit invoice - automatically prints fiscal receipt

2.2 Creating a credit Memo for already invoiced order prints receipt reversal

3. Once validated each order should be given a sale id: XXXXXXXX–YYYY-ZZZZZZZZ 

Where XXXXXX is the Fiscal Device Serial number

and YYYY is the user name of the user that validated it

And ZZZZZZZ is the magento order ID

Sale id is added as a second column in Sales -> Orders

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